Kumamoto University Graduate school of instructional systems
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Pedagogical Fundamentals

Block 2
Theories of learning, instruction and evaluation

Description: In this Block, we will look at different approaches to learning, instruction and evaluation. So far, various instruction methods have been proposed through various instruction activities. In order to gain an understanding of current popular methods and concepts in an efficient way, the methods which are considered particularly useful have been carefully selected to be included in this Block. Please note that the volume of assignments varies widely among sessions. That of the last session is especially heavy, which means there will be a lot of material to read.

Session3 3. Carroll’s Model and Mastery Learning Session4 4.Taxonomy of Learning Objectives and Aptitude Treatment Interaction
Session5 5.Portfolio and Rubric Session6 6.Educational Media Research and Selection of Media

Credits will be given to those who have achieved scores of at least 60% for all the following assignments.
[Assignment 1] Reflection Paper I
  To be uploaded as the task for Session 2. Describe your current ideas about education (principles, philosophy, views, methods, etc.), what your basic ideas about the teaching profession is, what your explicit or implicit expectations are, how you came to have those ideas and expectations, what you learned yourself, encounters with your mentors, and what kind of educational courses and programs you have taken part in so far. References are not required, but specify books and other materials, if any, that influenced your ideas. Uploaded papers will be reviewed by participants for mutual comments. Both papers and comments are subject to evaluation.

[Assignment 2] Understanding of theories of learning, instruction and evaluation / Participation & contribution
  Answer questions on tasks in Block 2 to show that you have properly understood the theories and concepts. An assessment will be made as to whether you have clearly explained your understanding of the theories and concepts based on your personal experiences. How actively you have posted comments on the discussion boards in Block 2, and how you have contributed to the overall discussion will also be evaluated.

[Assignment 3] Understanding of learning psychology / Participation & contribution
  Answer questions on tasks in Block 3 to show that you have properly understood the theories and concepts. An assessment will be made as to whether you have clearly explained your understanding of the theories and concepts based on your personal experiences. How actively you have posted comments on the discussion boards in Block 3, and how you have contributed to the overall discussion will also be evaluated.

[Assignment 4] Understanding of pedagogy / Participation & contribution
  Answer questions on tasks in Block 4 to show that you have properly understood the theories and concepts. An assessment will be made as to whether you have clearly explained your understanding of the theories and concepts based on your personal experiences. How actively you have posted comments on the discussion boards in Block 4, and how you have contributed to the overall discussion will also be evaluated.

[Assignment 5] Reflection Paper II
  The First draft is to be submitted as the task for Session 15. The draft will be reviewed by other participants for preparation of a final version, taking their comments into account. This task is designed to help you see and describe in the paper how your ideas have changed or deepened through participation in this course. Mention what theories and concepts have impressed you most, how you expect the course to influence your learning and instruction in the future, and what you think are the reasons the theories or concepts impressed you, etc. Both final papers and mutual comments are subject to evaluation.