Kumamoto University Graduate school of instructional systems
Table of Contents for:
14. Summary: How theory can change practice

[Session 14] How theory can change practice
- Introduction -

 In the last three blocks of Pedagogical Fundamentals, Blocks 2-4, you have strengthened foundations for checking e-learning (and educational in general) practices from a pedagogical viewpoints.

 In Block 2, Theories of Learning, Instruction and Evaluation, you have examined some methodologies proposed for instructional philosophies and evaluation methods, and the relationships with media.

 In Block 3, Three Major Trends of Learning Psychology, you reviewed Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism, and Eclecticism which aims to utilize flexibly knowledge of each camp depending on the situational variables.

 In the last block, Block 4, Two Major Trends of Pedagogy, you studied Dewey's educational philosophy that tried to integrate disciplinistic principles (traditional education) with empirical principles (progressive education), which are poles apart from each other, and a Paradox of Education as pointed out by Minoru Murai.

 Having looked back on these, what impressed you most? Can you see e-learning from different points of view? Has your image of education changed a lot, or only a little? Have you become more proud of, and confident in, being engaged in educational practices?
 I hope you will display what you learned through Pedagogical Fundamentals in Reflection Paper II, the last assignment. This assignment is set because I would like you to say that what you have learned here is useful for practice even though I know I am somewhat coercing you, by saying so.

 There is an area of research, which aims at utilizing a theory for practice, or bridging the gap between theory and practice. It is called "Educational Technology" with 40 years of history, which is a parent research area for instructional systems design. I would like you to read my discussion on characteristics of Educational Technology so that you can obtain a perspective that is required to utilize theories for practical implementation. My discussion shows you characteristics of Educational Technology that treats instructional phenomena as a system.

    Required Readings
    Suzuki, K. (1995). "Chapter 10: Viewing School Education as Technology" (PDF 10pages,66KB) A Premier to Instructional Design using Broadcasting: Messages for Young Teachers. Hoso Kyoiku Sosho 23. Japan Association for Educational Broadcasting [Translated into English]