instructional systems
[Session14]Web page creation: About assignment

Assignment 2-2 (Task 14): Creation of Web page and Mutual Commenting

[Creation of Web page]

Create a Web page based on the contents of Assignment 2-1. In due course, include your self-introduction.

The file name of HTML file is to be index.html, and create “task 14” folder under, and upload the file there.

[Mutual commenting]

Upon the upload, introduce the Web page you created in the Discussion Board for Assignment 2-2 (1). Assignment 2-2, and post your comments on the Web pages of others.

Conditions on Web Page

  • To be based on the contents submitted in Assignment 2-1.
  • To have your own photo or facial illustration pasted in the page
  • To have links to task 11 and task 12
  • To have some simple motion using JavaScript property such as onClick and onMouseOver. (See (sample for your reference.)
  • Make sure to save at the designated location, since the submission will be evaluated even when not all the requirements are met. (Static page => The score of implementing JavaScript will be 0.)

Score Allocation (including Session 15)

Total 30 points. Contents of Assignment 2-1 0 point, Photo & illustration 10 points, implementation of JavaScript 10 points, Upload of HTML 5 points, Mutual commenting among students (Comments from other students and your own comments) 5 points.

Method of Submission

Based on the following setting information, upload your file to the designated folder allocated for saving your own Web page by SCP.

[Setting information]

  • URL of Website
    (usernamemust be the one provided at the same time as the account number.)
  • Server name for saving:
  • Location to save HP data: public_html
  • Tool for updating : SCP software
  • Access name and password: same as for your E-mail
  • Character code: utf-8


Tell us about yourself briefly, focusing on the things you wish others around you to know, especially about learning. If you describe “Why did I select this Instructional System, and why do I wish to learn it? And what do I wish to get in this learning process?”, then mutual understanding will be deepened. It could be about your goal. In the learning environment through the network, the key medium to communicate what you have to others is characters. Try to get accustomed to this environment.

Affixing your photo will help others to understand you. Opening your photo to the public is not mandatory for creating your Website. However, just as you feel easier to have images of others around you, others will have a better learning environment if they know you better. This is particularly helpful in a remote learning environment like ours.