instructional systems
Table of Contents for
[Session3]Study Case in ID Field (1)
Study Case in ID Field (1)
This Session's Task (Assignment)
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Special Research I

This Session's Task (Assignment 2)

 Come up with your own idea to follow the footstep of study cases described in this session. Carry out “New Posting” and “Mutual Commenting” on “Discussion Board: Take your study case further (Suzuki)”.
→This task is a part of “Assignment 2”.

* (Assignment 2) Comprehension of study case (60 points: 5 points x 12 sessions): Task for Block 2

What would you do to continue and expand a study shown in this session; Ichikawa's, Ichinohe's, and Matsumura's? Choose one case and write down your idea in the form of “This study was xxx. It can be yyy, because zzz.” Explain your ideas in detail so that a next step is shown concretely. Then post one or more comments on each other's idea.

[Submission Method]
Create a new message and post your answer.
When giving your answer, include the name of the research you chose; Research of Ichikawa, Ichinohe, or Matsumura, in the “subject”, e.g. Ichikawa plus...
・Attach the mutual comments in the form of a reply to each message.
Deadline for new posting & mutual commenting: 31.12.2008