Lecturer:Katsuaki Suzuki, and all other full-time instructors
Open:December, 2008 (Compulsory course, 2 credit points)
Prerequisite courses:Introduction to e-Learning, Instructional Design I, Pedagogical Fundamentals, Information Processing Fundamentals and Intellectual Property and Private Rights in the Network Society
Subsequent courses:Special Research II
Course Description:
This course is designed to nurture the foundations of writing a thesis for the Master's degree (or research paper on a specific topic). Its goal is to enable you to summarize your ideas in an "academic" way concerning the study you would like to pursue. It is also a goal to have an instructor who you would like as your supervisor to tell you that your idea is so interesting that s/he would choose to supervise you. In the subsequent course, "Special Research II," you will have to compile your research as a master's degree student under the personal guidance of your supervisor for one year.
After completing a block, you can move on to the subsequent block.
[1] Instructional systems research methods [Session 1]- [Session 2] [Assignment 1] |
[2] Study cases in each field (update: October 2011) [Session 3] -[ Session 14] [Assignment 2] |
[3] Creating your research plan [Session 15] [Assignment 3] |
*Textbooks will be used in Block 1, acquire them as soon as possible.
Ross, S. M., &Morrison, G. R. (200x). Getting started in instructional technology research (4th Ed.). AECT.
Reference books:
*Other reference books will be introduced in each session.
The minimum requirement for obtaining credit points is a score of 60% or higher for each of all the assignments below.
[Assignment 1] Comprehension of instructional systems research methods (10 points)
Completing tasks for Block 1 and writing a paper (essay: to be submitted in Session 2)
[Assignment 2] Comprehension of study case (60 points: 5 points x 12 sessions)
Completing tasks for Block 2 (posting on Discussion Board and mutual commenting)
[Assignment 3] Formulation of a research plan (30 points)
Details will be given in Session 15.