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[Session9]Study Case in IT Field (3)
Study Case in IT Field (3)
This Session's Task (Assignment)
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Special Research I

This Session's Task (Assignment)

Post your report using “Create Messege” and make one mutual comment or more using “Reply” on “Discussion Board:Improving test questions”.
→This task is part of “Assignment 2”.

* (Assignment 2) Comprehension of study case (60 points: 5 points x 12 sessions): Task for Block 2

 After you take all sample online quizzes, for one of the sample quiz questions propose an idea to revise the quiz and the reason why you would like to do that. In addition, make one or more comment(s) on other students' proposal.There are three sample quizzes that were actually used as a part of the online exam for the basic information literacy course of Kumamoto University. Not only was a low rate of correct answers recorded at the first attempt (Note1) by the participants, but their evaluations were not good either when evaluated using the test question checklist (Note 2).

Examples of the proposal are as follows:
・(Example 1) As the expression of "XXXX" in the question (answer) is misleading, that part should be changed to "YYYY"
・(Example 2) As the question itself is difficult to understand, this question should be divided into two: “Question A: question regarding XXXX” and “Question B: question regarding YYYY”
・(Example 3) I think XXXX" type rather than multiple choices is more suitable for this question.
・(Example 4) I think this question (answer) is very badly formulated. I would change this question (answer) to "XXXX"

Note 1: Participants are allowed to take the online test as many times as they want.
Note 2: Checklist?(PDF: 24 KB)

(Reference) These questions were evaluated particularly low in such categories as “In terms of difficulty” and “In terms of how multiple choice questions are formulated”. The questions used here are those before this year's revision.
Matsuba, R., Nakano, H., Takahashi, S., et al., (2007) eLearn 2007 Quebec (19824)(PDF:124KB)

[Submission Method]
Create a new message to post your answer.
・When giving an answer, make sure you include your name and the name of the sample in the "subject"
  e.g. "Subject: matsuba: spl1"
・Post mutual comments in the form of a reply to each message.
Deadline for new posting & mutual commenting: 31.12.2008