instructional systems
Table of Contents for
[Session12]Study Case in IM Field (2)
Study Case in IM Field (2)
This Session's Task (Assignment)
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Special Research I

This Session's Task (Assignment)

Post your report using “Create Messege” and make one mutual comment or more using “Reply” on “Discussion Board:Let's think about methods to apply education to marketing”.
→This task is part of “Assignment 2”.

* (Assignment 2) Comprehension of study case (60 points: 5 points x 12 sessions): Task for Block 2

 Access the Grockit site( The registration is free of charge. The Grockit calls their service as “Massively Multi Player Online Learning Game”, which is organized well so that you can enjoy learning in a group.
 First, discuss the distinction or effectiveness about their service. Next, Discuss ideas how to increase educational effects that is different from Grockit's approach.

[Submission Method]
Create a new message and post your answer.
When giving your answer, attach “subject” that allows others to identify whether the message discusses the characteristics of Grockit or your original ideas.
   e.g. “Subject: Grockit: XXXX, Idea: YYYY"

・Attach the mutual comments in the form of a reply to each message.
Deadline for new posting & mutual commenting: 31.12.2008