instructional systems
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[Session11]Study Case in IM Field (1)
Study Case in IM Field (1)
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Special Research I

Session 11: Study Case in IM Field (1) (Lecturer: Fujio Ohmori)

[Introduction to the Research Theme]

 The whole picture of the current research theme of mine (not limited to e-Learning-related themes) is shown below. It was written to be used in the research plan list of the lecturers in the graduate school of social and cultural sciences, including instructional systems. It is presented because I think it would be the best way to show my research interest and status of the research activities as they are.

Research themes

  1. Research on the development of education systems and education policies

  2. Research on higher education and globalization

  3. Research on e-Learning policies

Long-term plan (Note: the duration of a long-term plan is from around two years to five years)

  1.  To advance research on the development of undergraduate and graduate degree programs that are able to respond to a globalizing knowledge society, a framework that integrates systematic quality assurances of education and strategic management, and sociological analysis of education policies (aiming for extending knowledge on general public policy, if possible).

  2.  To advance research on the trends in higher education that is provided across national borders and its quality assurance, management and education strategies of universities that provide education across borders, and changes in universities and knowledge in a globalizing knowledge society.

  3.  To advance research on e-Learning policies in Japan and other countries, institutional policies or strategies, quality assurance of e-Learning, universities and corporations as e-Learning providers, and e-Learning across borders.

Plans for 2006 fiscal year

  1.  To conduct the institutional project of "research on the development of university education programs responding to a knowledge society" and, for the development of undergraduate and graduate education programs to respond to the globalizing knowledge society, to collect data of reference cases both nationally and internationally through documents and study visits, as well as benchmarking and analyzing the current status of this university, so as to provide information and suggestions for education policies of this university along with publishing the outcome of the research as an article, etc.
     To take part in the academic project of "Comparative research on examination and evaluation of university education by employers and graduates in Japan and Europe" (project leader: Yoshimoto Keiichi) funded by a grant from Fundamental Research (A) under the national scheme of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research and conduct qualitative analysis for the project.

  2.  To conduct the academic project of "Comprehensive research on the management and education strategies of universities across national borders" funded by a grant from Fundamental Research (C) under the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, conducting literature review and national and international case studies, and creating survey questionnaires for universities in the United Kingdom and Australia.
     To publish parts of the outcome of the research on the trends in higher education that is provided across national borders and its quality assurance in such a form as an academic conference presentation.To publish parts of the outcome of the research on the trends in higher education that is provided across national borders and its quality assurance in such a form as an academic conference presentation.

  3.  To take part in the academic project of "Research on quality assurance of higher education and sharing digital learning resources in the knowledge-based society" (project leader: Yasutaka Shimizu) funded by a grant from Fundamental Research (C) (Survey for Planning) under the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, conducting research on quality assurance and strategies of e-Learning in the knowledge society.
     To publish the research outcome of this fiscal year in such a form as an article or conference presentation.


・Fujio Ohmori (2004), "Liberalization of the Higher Education Market Demanded by WTO Trade Negotiations", College Management, No. 124, Recruit, pp.32-39. (Japanese only)
・Fujio Ohmori (2004), "Challenges of Globalization for Japanese Universities – Quality Assurance of Education and Strategic Management", Research Center for Higher Education, Kumamoto University, Annual Report on University Education, No. 7, pp.50-55.(Japanese only)
・Fujio Ohmori (2005), "Quality Assurance of Globalizing Higher Education and Competition Between Universities", Tadao Kiyonari (editorial supervisor), Yukimasa Hayata (Ed.), Impact of Incorporation of National Universities and Challenges of Private Universities, Eidell Research Institute, pp218-227.(Japanese only)
・Fujio Ohmori (2005), "Essay on the Development of a University-wide Education System", Research Center for Higher Education, Kumamoto University, Annual Report on University Education, No. 8, pp27-37.(Japanese only)
・Fujio Ohmori (2005), "Globalization and Nation States in the Context of Transitional Higher Education: Analyzing the Cases of offshore Provision by British and Australian Universities", Japan Association of Higher Education Research, Higher Education Research, No. 8, Tamagawa University Press., pp.157-181.(Japanese only)
・Fujio Ohmori (2005), "Australia's Policies on the Approval and Audit of Transnational Universities: Quality Assurance for Incorporating Them into the National Education System", the Japan Society of Educational Sociology, The Journal of Educational Sociology, No. 76, Toyokan, pp.225-244.
(Japanese only)