instructional systems
15. e-Learning case analysis

We hope that the time you have spent for learning this course is significant and fulfilling to you. We also respect your attitude toward "as deep and comprehensive learning as possible" and your practice-oriented efforts "asking for something valuable for your current job."

At the end of this course, please submit a "final comment" explained below. This comment should be submitted to the lecturer using the task submission tool. The lecturer's comments will be conveyed to individual students as feedback to the task on the submission page. If you don't mind sharing your comments with other students, please send them as an attached file to the Discussion Board for "exchange of final messages" as well.

"Final comment" (Optional task)

  1. List three matters you think were the best three in learning this course, and mention reasons why. Write them not from the viewpoint of readers in general but from your own viewpoint.
  2. Please express your feelings or comments on the whole course, including impressions of your experiences in answering to the ability diagnosis at the end of each chapter and in visiting related Websites.
Although not set as a task required for receiving credits for this course, in eLF 2003 and the subsequent blended training given by eLC, this final comment was treated as a part of the final assignment (That means that this comment was not an optional but a compulsory task). Lately I have become too forgetful to recall why and how it dropped out of compulsory tasks of this course. However, in the review I conducted in April 2007, I rediscovered the great importance of this task.

That is because this task is expected to bring valuable time in terms of "reflection," or reviewing learning through the course and thinking of both the past (your change between before and after this course) and the future (setting new goals and visions). The importance of reflection has been emphasized again and again in the concept of systems approach or constructivism and andragogy stressing learners' independence (Do you remember them?).

Consequently, I hope for your positive effort in earnestly submitting and sharing. If you could get some learning outcome in the affective domain from this course, it will be learning motivation "to make efforts independently taking the opportunity of learning even in case of personal choice in doing optional things." This motivation can be expressed obviously in your judgment of whether or not to try an optional task (Well, I may be too negative towards those who neglect this task. Are you feeling forced to do that? I'm sorry). I shall accept submitted comments with sincerity, and take my time to read them to make comments. In addition, in thinking of the future of this course, I will consult your comments. When this task was compulsory, the scoring criterion below was set. Since my thinking on this has not yet changed, I will inform you of it.
[Scoring criterion]
What is picked out will be no object of scoring. Evaluation will be made of whether or not you clearly describe "why you picked it up." Written sentences are to have strong powers of persuasion. Points won't be deducted even in case of description from a standpoint against the line/argument of the author or this course