instructional systems
7. Components of e-Learning (What you can design)
--viii Review quiz(7) (outside link)
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アイコン[Task 7] Discussion Board: Responsibility and design

Analyze the relationship between the duty (range of work) and the elements you can design in relation to the examples of e-Learning which you are involved in. In this chapter, e-Learning design at various levels is discussed. However, not all people can control everything. On the one hand, depending on your job description, there are many things which you have to give up because they are "outside the design area." On the other hand, it is also important, when you think what you can do within your range of work, to work out the strategy how to extend the influence over the whole organization. Discuss, based on above perspective, what you are doing now, what you might possibly be doing in the future, and what sort of things, even if you cannot do them directly, you could get involved in doing.

[Scoring criteria]
Reports submitted within the deadline are accepted regardless of quality. Upon eventually marking total scores, points can be added depending on the performance. Reports submitted after the deadline may be accepted in case of good performance.

[Method of submission]
Make your own thread (newly create a message), and write in your message directly or send an attached file containing it. Submit Mutual commenting by making responses (by "Reply") to other students' postings.

* Once posted, the message cannot be edited.
Subject Messages Author Date
Component of e-learning(Sample for open course) 2 A 23/10/2009 16:32

*Comments of 2009's students.