Tokumura, T., Maekawa, T., and Suzuki, K.(2007). An action plan introduction method for ICT skills training improvement (translation). Educational Technology Research, 30(1-2): 65-74. 学術論文(審査あり)
Muranaka, Y., Takahashi, M., and Suzuki, K.(2007).Task analysis of interpersonal communication skills and development of an Egogram-based diagnositc system (translation). Educational Technology Research, 30(1-2): 75-86. 学術論文(審査あり)
Ohmori, Fujio, 2006, “Quality Assurance of Transnational e.Learning from a Japanese Viewpoint”,National Institute of Multimedia Education (NIME), NIME International Symposium 2005 Report: Quality Assurance of e.Learning in Higher Education, pp. 55.62.
Nemoto, J., & Suzuki, K. (2007). Offering the same graduate level courses for residential and distance students: An observation at an instructional systems technology department in U.S.A. A paper presented at 8th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET 2007), July10-13, 2007, Kumamoto, JAPAN 11C4-4 (Paper No.130) 学会発表
SUGI, Yuuichi and KITA, Toshihiro and YASUNAMI, Seisuke and NAKANO, Hiroshi, (2006,7) Web.based Rapid Authoring Tool for LMS Quiz Creation (ITHET2006)7th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, Sydney, Australia) SP20,245
Usagawa, Tsuyoshi and Sugitani, Keiichi and Kita, Toshihiro and Iriguchi, Norio and Migita, Masahiro and Matsuba, Ryuichi and Musashi, Yasuo and Nakano, Hiroshi.(2006,7), Assuring the basic IT literacy levels for every student by the University.wide blended learning(ITHET2006)7th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, Sydney, Australia) BR3,258
The 4th CMS seminar of the Information Processing Society of Japan (December 2006)
Shirou Kitamura, Junko Nemoto and Katsuaki Suzuki. (2006, 11). Design practice of e-learning contents using hypothetical cases. Japan Journal of Educational Technology (the 22nd Annual Conference), 1039-1040. November 2006.Katsuaki Suzuki. (2006, 11). Outline of design of university education in terms of ID: Proposal of the layer model to assure the quality of e-learning. Japan Journal of Educational Technology (the 22nd Annual Conference), 337-338. [In Japanese]
The 22nd Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Educational Technology (November 2006)
The 31st National Conference of the Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education (August 2006)
Seminar of the Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education (June 2006)