Nemoto, J., Oyamada, M., Shibata, Y., & Suzuki, K. (2011). “Learning Sketch”: A Tool for Learning Reflection Activity. International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, 5(1), 162-175. 学術論文(審査あり)
Suzuki, K., Nemoto, J., Unaka, K., Takahashi, A. & Yoshida, A. (November, 2011) Example open courses of Graduate School of Instructional Systems in Kumamoto University. AROOC2011(Meiji University):Paper No.16 (Meiji University Informatics vol.5 No.1:79-82) 学会発表
Nemoto, J. & Suzuki, K.(August, 2011) Evaluation of an Online Orientation Course for Online Graduate Students. A paper presented at ICoME 2011 (International Conference on Media in Education), Korea. (Proceedings, p.63) 学会発表